Nausea and Vomiting

One of the most feared side effects.

* aromatherapy:
the essential oil of peppermint on a handkerchief and breathe at the time of nausea
oral essential oil of lemon on a support 2 drops 3x per day.

* phytotherapy : the ginger.

Practical advice:
Prefer cold foods or at room temperature as they release less odors.
Drink and eat little, gently, but frequently throughout the day.
Avoid very sweet, fat, fried, spicy, or strong odor.
Also avoid foods that produce gas (brush, cauliflower, Brussels cabbage and cabbage...).
Eating before hunger, as hunger can intensify nausea.
Hold a sitting position for 30 minutes after the meal;if lying position, prefer the right side to promote gastric drain.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day to help mitigate unpleasant tastes that can make nausea.

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